Monday 23 May 2011


For the first time since James died I saw a rainbow.  It hung in the sky after a weekend of unexpectedly decent weather but one where we seemed to be waiting for the clouds & rain to come.  Then finally a storm with all the wind, rain & power you would expect, except that before it was done it hung a rainbow in the sky.

For the first time I thought maybe the rainbows perfection sparkled b/c James had sent it to me or maybe was smiling behind it.  I've been waiting for a signal, a sign and I'm hoping this was it.  That my angel baby sent me a little reprieve from the storm that keeps raging in my mind & heart these days.  If it is, I thank you my darling angel, mommy needed to feel & see your essence again. 

Here is a quote from the Silent Grief - Child loss page on facebook that resonated with me today:

Well meaning people can say some of the most off-the-cuff things when trying to help. Sometimes the most comfort comes from a hug and a shared tear. --Clara Hinton

Holding the rainbow in my heart & grateful for my children tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing my first rainbow too... such a magical moment. I am certain James had something to do with it.... xo
